Vaccine Calculator – USA

Quickly View and Calculate Vaccine Ingredients

The Vaccine Calculator will easily and quickly assist parents, grandparents, caregivers and Health Care Professionals to efficiently identify the main ingredients in currently licensed USA vaccines for pediatric and adult use. This convenient and fast online tool helps families to quickly view totals for the main vaccine ingredients for 55 licensed USA vaccines.

The Vaccine Calculator is accurate, fast and easy to use! Once the data is entered if instantly generates both an on screen and an emailed report on submission.

The Vaccine Calculator will help families gather important information about vaccine ingredients so parents can make informed and intelligent decisions based on the ingredients in a given vaccine(s) and in various vaccine combinations. The Vaccine Calculator also includes the vaccine inserts for 55 licensed USA vaccines, primarily for children.

“You may choose to look the other way,
but you can never say again that you did not know.”
(William Wilberforce)

The Vaccine Calculator Features:

  1. Prices for access include daily, weekly or monthly access with unlimited personal use.
  2. The vaccines included in the calculator are 55 current licensed USA vaccines.
  3. The calculator also includes calculations for RhoGAM and Vitamin K injections.
  4. The vaccine ingredients are shown per vaccine and are calculated individually and also for the total vaccine(s) selected.
  5. An online report is displayed immediately on submission.
  6. A comprehensive report, full color report is instantly emailed that provides clear graphic totals for each of the  vaccine ingredients based on the vaccine(s) selected, as well as details about each of those ingredients.
  7. A link for each of the vaccine inserts is provided for per vaccines selected to read more about adverse reactions.
  8. The Vaccine Calculator may be used more than once, for more than one person in the same family during the subscription period.

What Families Are Saying About The Vaccine Calculator

“This tool is  easy to use and incredible!  I used it to decide which DTaP to ask my doctor to order for our children, to avoid the high amounts of aluminum in the Pediarix.  I recommend this all families who wants to be truthfully informed on vaccine ingredients.”
(Mom of 3, Texas, USA


“Until I used this tool, I had no idea how many vaccines actually contained aborted fetal tissue, it was absolutely shocking!  We have now filed a religious exemption that is allowed in our state based on this information.”
(Parents of 4, Nevada, USA)


”Thank you for this amazing tool!!” My husband and I didn’t understand the toxic load of vaccines until we studied the report of what would be injected in our 4 month old baby.  We are now aware and agree to delay vaccinations plus space them out when the time comes.”
(Mom of infant, Louisiana, USA)


“The simplicity is wonderful!  Couldn’t believe how easy it was to fill out the form and generate such a substantial report.  Invaluable!  We received the reports via email almost immediately.  The report is easy to understand, thorough and very eye opening. Loved that the medical fact insert sheets are linked to on the report as those are so hard to find elsewhere.  We would have changed so many things had we had this information in 2012.  (Page, Mom of Child with Autism, Alabama USA)

What Health Care Professionals Are Saying About The Vaccine Calculator

“This Vaccine Calculator saves me countless hours in my practice. I use it to quickly show parents exactly what’s in each each vaccine to provide clear, informed consent.  Having all the inserts right there to download is so convenient.
(Naturopathic Doctor, Illinois, USA)

“The Vaccine Calculator is a valuable tool in my practice as I support patients with the facts in their vaccine choice.”
(Holistic Doctor, Colorado, USA)

“I’ve worked with hundreds of vaccine injured children for 15+ years in my practice. I only wish those parents had this tool to give them the informed consent their doctors did not. They could have avoided a life of grief.”
(Homeopathic Practitioner, Bay Area California, USA)


“What an incredible tool you have created!”
(Deborah O., Classical Homeopath, California, USA)